This function estimates the noise of an NMR spectrum through the analysis of the upper end of the spectrum.

noi_(x, p)



The read in spectra


the matched ppm var to your x


an estimation of noise level of the provided x spectrum


Noise in an NMR spectrum is inevitable and a product of the detectors in the spectrometer. But noise only introduces error to spectral analysis so removing values below the noise threshold makes data analysis on spectra more robust. noi_() gets the index of the ppm between 9.5 and 11 and calculates the trimmed mean and the standard deviation of the x values within this chemical shift. From there, the standard deviation is multiplied by 5 and the mean is add to provide a maximum estimation of noise in that spectrum. This method was developed from the paper by Torgrip et al. (2008) and can be found in the link in see also.

See also

The methods paper by Torgrip et al. (2008):

Other estimation: alter8r(), citra(), crea(), get_idx(), roundr(), shift_pickr(), tota()


Kyle Bario


readin(path = system.file('extdata/15', package = 'NMRadjustr')) n <- noi_(x, p)