is programmed to search a given ppm region for a maximum value (i.e., the apex of a metabolite peak) and return the chemical shift that best encapsulates said peak. Is most useful when picking peaks to estimate their area.
shift_pickr(x, p, sh, pm = 0.005)
x | The spectrum of which you want to calculate the total area |
p | The matched ppm variable to x |
sh | Takes arrangements of values:
pm | The plus/minus value you want to add or subtract from the peak. Default = 0.005 |
An array of values mapped to defined peak
takes chemical shift region in the sh parameter and searches for the largest value in x in that chemical shift.
From there, the value of pm is added and subtracted from the ppm where the maximum x values resides to give a shift that best encapsulates the peak which is then returned by the function.
Kyle Bario